new student info - Bainbridge Island
Suzuki violin lessons for 3-18 year olds are now offered on Mondays on Bainbridge Island! Group classes and events will take place once a month on Sunday evenings. Students are also welcome to attend any Seattle classes and events they like!
Classes on Bainbridge Island are taught by Tracy Wiggin, a Suzuki Teacher Trainer and violin instructor with a masters degree in violin performance from Yale University School of Music. Learn more about Tracy here.
Students start with a 30 minute weekly lesson, and have additional 30 minute group classes each month. Children work up to practicing the length of their lesson daily, with their parent acting as the home coach. Parents attend lessons and group classes with their children, and play recordings of the pieces being learned at home.
Interested in learning more about Suzuki lessons on Bainbridge Island? Begin a conversation, or observe a lesson or group class by sending an email to
Here is a list of supplies you will need to begin lessons. Order the Suzuki Violin Book 1 with Hilary Hahn CD and begin listening as soon it arrives. Recordings are also available for download through Apple Music. It will be enormously helpful to have the music already flowing through the mind of your child by the time of their first lesson.

Required Materials
Violin and Bow – wood bow with horsehair.
Contoured Shoulder Sponge – medium size.
Notebook for parent notes.
Suzuki Revised Book One and recording by Hilary Hahn (CD or download) Here is a link to purchase/download online recordings:
Link to purchase/download Suzuki recordings:
Additional Optional Materials
Ability Development from Age Zero, Shinichi Suzuki
Teaching From the Balance Point, Edward Kreitman
Helping Parents Practice, Ed Sprunger
Stories of Composers for Young Musicians, Kay Kendall
Music Supplies
Bishoffberger Violins: (206) 324-3119. Local violin rentals.
Robertson Violins: (505) 889-2999. Source for purchase of all sizes of instruments in New Mexico. They have a 100%instrument value trade up policy.
Shar Products: Good source for music and accessories.